麻煩幫我看一下這樣翻對不對?如有錯誤的地方幫我改正 thanks !1. 國中基測後,因對英文有極大的興趣,選擇就讀應用外語科。 Because I am interested in English, choosing to study Department of Applied Foreign Language of the vocational school after the Basic Competence Test.2. 對於 貴校的師資、讀書風氣及設備也深具信心,相信能幫助我完成夢想。 And I am confident of your faculty, study passion, and facilities.

[急!!!] 需要英文翻譯!!facebook討論 [急!!!] 需要英文翻譯!!facebook粉絲頁 [急!!!] 需要英文翻譯!!facebook社團


[急!!!] 需要英文翻譯!!


改成以下寫法較好喔你可以參考看看^_^1. After the Basic Competence Test, I choose to study Department of Applied Foreign Language of vocational high, because I have a great passion in English.2. I have confidence in quality of faculty in your school, learning environment as well as equipment, believing that your school can help me carry out my dream. 參考資料 自己 (僅供參考 ) 2013-05-31 00:10:49 補充 推甄加油 ^_^ 相關詞: 英文翻譯網,線上英文翻譯,英文翻譯軟體,英文翻譯中文,英文翻譯網站,英文翻譯字典,英文翻譯發音,免費線上英文翻譯,台中英文翻譯,英文翻譯程式英文翻譯,國中基測,Applied Foreign Language,I am interested in,應用外語科,vocational school,study Department,英文,And I am confident,讀書風氣





國中基測 基測日期2013 基測 好站推薦


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